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install // node.js インストール node -v // node.js バージョン確認 npm -v // npm(node package manager: バージョン確認 sudo npm install gulp -g // gulp グローバルインストール gulp -version // gulp バージョン確認 npm list [package name] // パッケージのバージョン確認 ex) npm list gulp-sass
(node.js update)
sudo npm cache clean -f sudo npm install -g n sudo n latest sudo n stable sudo n 4.7.0
(node.js uninstall)
// enter every 1 line lsbom -f -l -s -pf /var/db/receipts/ \ | while read i; do sudo rm /usr/local/${i} done // enter every 1 line sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node \ /usr/local/lib/node_modules \ /var/db/receipts/org.nodejs.* // delete npm sudo rm -rf ~/.npm
1) mkdir project_name 2) cd project_name 3) npm init // package.json 生成 --- project_name └ package.json --- // package.json { "name": "project_name", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC" } --- 4) sudo npm install gulp --save-dev // gulpのローカルインストールと --save-dev でpackage.jsonの更新 --- project_name ├ node_modules/ └ package.json --- // package.json { "name": "project_name", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "gulp": "^3.9.0" } }
5) vi gulpfile.js // gulpfile.js 作成 --- project_name ├ gulpfile.js ├ node_modules/ └ package.json --- // gulpfile.js var gulp = require('gulp'); gulp.task('default', function() { console.log('The task of the default was done.'); }); gulp.task('typeA', function() { console.log('The task of the typeA was done.'); }); --- // タスクの実行 project_name $ gulp [14:51:54] Using gulpfile ~/workspace/project_name/gulpfile.js [14:51:54] Starting 'default'... The task of the default was done. [14:51:54] Finished 'default' after 80 μs project_name $ gulp typeA [14:51:59] Using gulpfile ~/workspace/project_name/gulpfile.js [14:51:59] Starting 'typeA'... The task of the typeA was done. [14:51:59] Finished 'typeA' after 61 μs
sudo npm install gulp --save-dev sudo npm install gulp-sass --save-dev --- project_name ├ gulpfile.js ├ node_modules/ └ package.json --- // package.json { "name": "project_name", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "gulp": "^3.9.0", "gulp-sass": "^2.0.3" } } --- // gulpfile.js var gulp = require('gulp'); var sass = require('gulp-sass'); gulp.task('minify', function() { console.log('sass function'); }); gulp.task('default', ['sass'], function() { console.log('the task of the default was done.'); }); gulp.task('typeA', function() { console.log('the task of the typeA was done.'); }); --- // タスクの実行 project_name $ gulp [15:27:26] Using gulpfile ~/workspace/project_name/gulpfile.js [15:27:26] Starting 'sass'... sass function [15:27:26] Finished 'sass' after 74 μs [15:27:26] Starting 'default'... the task of the default was done. [15:27:26] Finished 'default' after 26 μs project_name $ gulp typeA [15:27:30] Using gulpfile ~/workspace/project_name/gulpfile.js [15:27:30] Starting 'typeA'... the task of the typea was done. [15:27:30] Finished 'typeA' after 49 μs
sudo npm install gulp --save-dev sudo npm install gulp.spritesmith --save-dev sudo npm install gulp-sass --save-dev sudo npm install event-stream --save-dev // merge() を使うため sudo npm install gulp-concat --save-dev // mapを結合するため sudo npm install del --save-dev // 既存makeファイルの削除に使うため --- temp_gulp/ │ ├ base64/ ├ css/ ├ gulpfile.js ├ html/ ├ img/ │ └ make/ │ ├ spr-en-***********.png │ └ spr-ja-***********.png ├ js/ ├ jsmod/ ├ node_modules/ ├ package.json ├ sass/ │ ├ project_name.scss │ ├ _conf.scss │ └ elements/ │ ├ _base.scss │ ├ _module.scss │ ├ lib/ │ │ ├ _reset.scss │ │ └ _utility.scss │ └ make/ │ ├ _concat.scss │ └ spr/ │ ├ _spr_en.scss │ └ _spr_ja.scss └ sprite/ ├ en/ │ ├ blue.png │ ├ green.png │ └ red.png └ ja/ ├ blue.png ├ green.png └ red.png --- // gulpfile.js (no edit) // 変数の定義 var gulp = require('gulp'); var del = require('del'); var sprite = require('gulp.spritesmith'); var merge = require('event-stream').merge; var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var fs = require('fs'); var aPath = require('path'); // フォルダ取得の準備 var getFolders = function(dir) { return fs.readdirSync(dir).filter(function(file) { return fs.statSync(aPath.join(dir, file)).isDirectory(); }); } // image と map の生成 gulp.task('sprites', function() { // 既存makeファイルの削除 del('img/make/*.png'); // ファイル名の末尾につける乱数の生成 var rdm = (new Date()).getTime(); // フォルダの取得 var folders = getFolders('sprite/'); // spriteフォルダの中にフォルダがなければスキップ if(folders[0] !== undefined){ // 複数フォルダ分のmapを同時にreturnするためにmergeが必要 return merge( { spriteOptions = { imgName: 'spr-' + folder + '-' + rdm + '.png', imgPath: 'img/make/spr-' + folder + '-' + rdm + '.png', cssName: '_spr_' + folder + '.scss', cssFormat: 'scss', cssOpts: { functions: false }, cssVarMap: function(sprite) { = folder + '-' +; }, cssSpritesheetName: 'spr-' + folders.indexOf(folder), algorithm: 'binary-tree', padding: 4 } spriteData = gulp.src('sprite/' + folder + '/*.png').pipe(sprite(spriteOptions)); spriteData.img.pipe(gulp.dest('img/make')); return spriteData.css.pipe(gulp.dest('sass/elements/make/spr')); }) ); } }); // 生成したmapと_utility.scssを結合 gulp.task('scss_concat', ['sprites'], function() { return gulp.src([ 'sass/elements/make/spr/*.scss', 'sass/elements/lib/_utility.scss' ]) .pipe(concat('_concat.scss')) .pipe(gulp.dest('sass/elements/make')) }); // sassコンパイル gulp.task('sass', ['scss_concat'], function() { return gulp.src([ 'sass/**/*.scss', '!sass/elements/make/spr/*.scss', '!sass/elements/lib/_utility.scss' ]) .pipe(sass()) .pipe(gulp.dest('css')) }); // タスクの順番制御はrun-sequenceモジュールでもできる --- // project_name.scss (no edit) @import "conf"; @import "elements/make/concat"; --- // _conf.scss (no edit) // default value (フォルダ10個まで対応可能にする場合) $spr-0: null !default; // no edit $spr-1: null !default; // no edit $spr-2: null !default; // no edit $spr-3: null !default; // no edit $spr-4: null !default; // no edit $spr-5: null !default; // no edit $spr-6: null !default; // no edit $spr-7: null !default; // no edit $spr-8: null !default; // no edit $spr-9: null !default; // no edit --- // _utility.scss (no edit) // フォルダ10個まで対応可能にする場合 $spr: ($spr-0, $spr-1, $spr-2, $spr-3, $spr-4, $spr-5, $spr-6, $spr-7, $spr-8, $spr-9); // プレイスホルダーセレクタを生成 @for $i from 1 through length($spr) { // それぞれのフォルダのmapが生成されてなかったらスキップ @if nth($spr, $i) != null { %spr-#{$i} { background: url('../' + nth(nth($spr, $i), 3)); } @for $j from 1 through length(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4)) { $file: nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 10); %spr-#{$file} { @extend %spr-#{$i}; width: nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 5); height: nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 6); background-position: nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 3) nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 4); } } } } // retina @for $i from 1 through length($spr) { // それぞれのフォルダのmapが生成されてなかったらスキップ @if nth($spr, $i) != null { %spr-rtn-#{$i} { background: url('../' + nth(nth($spr, $i), 3)); background-size: ceil(nth(nth($spr, $i), 1)/2) ceil(nth(nth($spr, $i), 2)/2); } @for $j from 1 through length(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4)) { $file: nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 10); %spr-rtn-#{$file} { @extend %spr-rtn-#{$i}; width: ceil(nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 5)/2); height: ceil(nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 6)/2); background-position: ceil(nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 3)/2) ceil(nth(nth(nth(nth($spr, $i), 4), $j), 4)/2); } } } } --- // _module.scss (edit) .foo01 { @extend %spr-ja-blue; } .foo02 { @extend %spr-ja-green; } .foo03 { @extend %spr-ja-red; } .foo04 { @extend %spr-rtn-en-blue; } .foo05 { @extend %spr-rtn-en-green; } .foo06 { @extend %spr-rtn-en-red; } // hide text は別途指定 --- // html <div class="foo01">ja/blue</div> <div class="foo02">ja/red</div> <div class="foo03">ja/green</div> <div class="foo04">en/blue</div> <div class="foo05">en/red</div> <div class="foo06">en/green</div>ja/blueja/redja/greenen/blueen/reden/green
sudo npm install gulp --save-dev sudo npm install gulp-base64 --save-dev sudo npm install gulp.spritesmith --save-dev sudo npm install gulp-concat --save-dev // mapを結合するため sudo npm install gulp-sass --save-dev --- temp_gulp/ │ ├ base64/ │ ├ make/ │ │ └ base64.png │ ├ yellow01.png │ └ yellow02.png ├ css/ ├ gulpfile.js ├ html/ ├ img/ ├ js/ ├ jsmod/ ├ node_modules/ ├ package.json ├ sass/ │ ├ project_name.scss │ ├ _conf.scss │ └ elements/ │ ├ _base.scss │ ├ _module.scss │ ├ lib/ │ │ ├ _base64.scss │ │ ├ _reset.scss │ │ └ _utility.scss │ └ make/ │ ├ _concat.scss │ ├ base64/ │ │ ├ _map.scss │ │ └ _url.scss │ └ spr/ └ sprite/ --- // gulpfile.js (no edit) // 変数の定義 var gulp = require('gulp'); var base64 = require('gulp-base64'); var sprite = require('gulp.spritesmith'); var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var fs = require('fs'); var aPath = require('path'); // pngファイルの有無を取得 fs.readdir('base64', function (err, list) { list.forEach(function (file) { if (aPath.extname(file) === '.png'){ pngfiles = true; } }) }) // pngfileがあればsprite mapを生成 gulp.task('base64_map', function(pngfiles) { if(pngfiles){ // pngfileがなければスキップ var base64Options = { imgName: 'base64.png', imgPath: 'base64/make/base64.png', cssName: '_map.scss', cssFormat: 'scss', cssOpts: { functions: false }, cssSpritesheetName: 'base64', algorithm: 'binary-tree', padding: 4 } var base64Data = gulp.src('base64/*.png').pipe(sprite(base64Options)); base64Data.img.pipe(gulp.dest('base64/make')); return base64Data.css.pipe(gulp.dest('sass/elements/make/base64')); } }); // base64にエンコード gulp.task('base64_url', ['base64_map'], function() { if(pngfiles){ // pngfileがなければスキップ return gulp.src('sass/elements/lib/_base64.scss') .pipe(base64()) .pipe(concat('_url.scss')) .pipe(gulp.dest('sass/elements/make/base64')); } }); // 生成したmapと_utility.scssを結合 gulp.task('scss_concat', ['base64_url'], function() { return gulp.src([ 'sass/elements/make/base64/*.scss', 'sass/elements/lib/_utility.scss' ]) .pipe(concat('_concat.scss')) .pipe(gulp.dest('sass/elements/make')) }); // sassコンパイル gulp.task('sass', ['scss_concat'], function() { return gulp.src([ 'sass/**/*.scss', '!sass/elements/make/base64/*.scss', '!sass/elements/lib/_base64.scss', '!sass/elements/lib/_utility.scss' ]) .pipe(sass()) .pipe(gulp.dest('css')) }); // タスクの順番制御はrun-sequenceモジュールでもできる --- // project_name.scss (no edit) @import "conf"; @import "elements/make/concat"; --- // _conf.scss (no edit) $base64-sprites: null !default; --- // _base64.scss (no edit) %base64 { background: url('./base64/make/base64.png'); } --- // _utility.scss (no edit) // scss生成により$base64-spritesが定義されていれば実行 @if $base64-sprites != null { @for $i from 1 through length($base64-sprites) { // プレイスホルダーセレクタを生成 %base64-#{nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 10)} { @extend %base64; width: nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 5); height: nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 6); background-position: nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 3) nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 4); } // retina用 %base64-rtn-#{nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 10)} { @extend %base64; width: ceil(nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 5)/2); height: ceil(nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 6)/2); background-position: ceil(nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 3)/2) ceil(nth(nth(nth($base64, 4), $i), 4)/2); background-size: ceil(nth($base64, 1)/2) ceil(nth($base64, 2)/2); } } } --- // _module.scss (edit) .bar01 { @extend %base64-yellow01; } .bar02 { @extend %base64-rtn-yellow02; } // hide text は別途指定 --- // html <div class="bar01">yellow01</div> <div class="bar02">yellow02</div>yellow01yellow02
Download and Unzip Data of size is none. Reload please. ). temp_gulp/ │ ├ README ├ base64/ │ ├ yellow01.png │ └ yellow02.png ├ css/ ├ gulpfile.js ├ html/ ├ img/ ├ js/ ├ jsmod/ ├ package.json ├ sass/ │ ├ project_name.scss │ ├ _conf.scss │ └ elements/ │ ├ _base.scss │ ├ _module.scss │ └ lib/ │ ├ _base64.scss │ ├ _reset.scss │ └ _utility.scss └ sprite/ ├ en/ │ ├ blue.png │ ├ green.png │ └ red.png └ ja/ ├ blue.png ├ green.png └ red.png --- // README --------------------------------------------------- workspace environment setting --------------------------------------------------- 0) Introduce a virtual server to use php. 1) Install "node.js". 2) Install "gulp". $ sudo npm install gulp -g --------------------------------------------------- temp_gulp setting --------------------------------------------------- 1) Change label of folder name from 'temp_gulp' to 'your_project_name'. 2) Put this folder in your workspace. workspace/ └ your_project_name/ 3) Enter top of this folder. workspace/ └ your_project_name/ <- current 4) install node_modules. your_project_name $ sudo npm install 5) Run gulp. your_project_name $ gulp i your_project_name $ gulp --- your_project_name/ │ ├ README ├ base64/ │ ├ make/ │ │ └ base64.png │ ├ yellow01.png │ └ yellow02.png ├ css/ │ └ your_project_name.css ├ gulpfile.js ├ html/ ├ img/ │ └ make/ │ ├ spr-en-***********.png │ └ spr-ja-***********.png ├ js/ │ └ your_project_name.js ├ jsmod/ ├ node_modules/ ├ package.json ├ sass/ │ ├ your_project_name.scss │ ├ _conf.scss │ └ elements/ │ ├ _base.scss │ ├ _module.scss │ ├ lib/ │ │ ├ _base64.scss │ │ ├ _reset.scss │ │ └ _utility.scss │ └ make/ │ ├ _concat.scss │ ├ base64/ │ │ ├ _map.scss │ │ └ _url.scss │ └ spr/ │ ├ _spr_en.scss │ └ _spr_ja.scss └ sprite/ ├ en/ │ ├ blue.png │ ├ green.png │ └ red.png └ ja/ ├ blue.png ├ green.png └ red.png --- // options $ gulp // default (compile css,js) $ gulp i // make sprite,base64 $ gulp w // watch, livereload $ gulp r // minify css,js