last update:
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>title</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=560"> <style> html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { padding-bottom: 800px; } section { margin-bottom: 20px; } </style> </head> <body> <section> <div class="carousel1"> <ul> <li style="background: #d22;">1</li> <li style="background: #2d2;">2</li> <li style="background: #22d;">3</li> </ul> </div> </section> <section> <div class="carousel2"> <ul> <li style="background: #d22;">1</li> <li style="background: #2d2;">2</li> <li style="background: #22d;">3</li> </ul> </div> </section> <section> <div class="carousel3"> <ul> <li style="background: #d22;">1</li> <li style="background: #2d2;">2</li> <li style="background: #22d;">3</li> <li style="background: #dd2;">4</li> <li style="background: #2dd;">5</li> </ul> </div> </section> <section> <div class="carousel4"> <ul> <li style="background: #d22;">1</li> <li style="background: #2d2;">2</li> <li style="background: #22d;">3</li> <li style="background: #dd2;">4</li> <li style="background: #2dd;">5</li> </ul> </div> </section> <script> // carousel module class carousel { constructor(option) { this.opt = option; this.d = document; = this.userAgent(); this.init(); } init() { this.opt.carousel = this.d.querySelector('.' + this.opt.class); if (!this.opt.carousel) { return; } Promise.resolve(1) // optionの値の一部をstyleとしてhtmlに適用 .then(() => { this.setReadyStyles(); }) // 上記のstyleが適用されたdomから、pxに変換した値を取得 .then(() => { this.setElementComputedSizes(); }) // optionから必要なhtmlを生成し、各種Listener、autoの制御、resize時の制御などを設定 .then(() => { this.setConveyorHtml(); this.setConveyorListeners(); this.setPagenationHtml(); this.setPagenationListeners(); this.setArrowHtml(); this.setArrowListeners(); this.setAutoOperation(); this.setBaseStyles(); this.setResizeOperation(); }); } // 初回のstyle設定 setReadyStyles() { // %やremにも対応する // 単位付きのstyleをまず設定する this.opt.orgWidth = this.opt.width; this.opt.orgHeight = this.opt.height; let styleStr = ` .${this.opt.class} { position: relative; width: ${this.opt.width}; height: ${this.opt.height}; margin: 0 auto; } .${this.opt.class} ul, .${this.opt.class} li { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .${this.opt.class} li { list-style: none; } .${this.opt.class}_screen { width: ${this.opt.width}; height: ${this.opt.height}; position: relative; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; } .${this.opt.class}_screen .${this.opt.class}_items { position: absolute; top: 0; width: ${this.opt.itemsWidth}; -webkit-overflow-scrolling : touch; } .${this.opt.class}_screen .${this.opt.class}_items li { float: left; width: ${this.opt.width}; height: ${this.opt.height}; overflow: hidden; } .${this.opt.class}_screen .${this.opt.class}_items li img { width: ${this.opt.width}; height: ${this.opt.height}; } `; this.appendStyles(styleStr, this.opt.class + '_style'); } // px数値を取得 setElementComputedSizes() { this.opt.numWidth = this.getNumber( window.getComputedStyle(this.opt.carousel).width, ); this.opt.numHeight = this.getNumber( window.getComputedStyle(this.opt.carousel).height, ); } // 数値を取得 getNumber(target) { return Number(target.match(/\d+/)[0]); } // pxに変換したstyleの設定 setBaseStyles() { let referenceScreenSize; if (this.opt.numWidth < 400 && this.opt.numHeight < 400) { referenceScreenSize = 400; } else { referenceScreenSize = this.opt.numWidth > this.opt.numHeight ? this.opt.numWidth : this.opt.numHeight; } let styleStr = ` .${this.opt.class} { position: relative; width: ${this.opt.numWidth}px; margin: 0 auto; } .${this.opt.class} ul, .${this.opt.class} li { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .${this.opt.class} li { list-style: none; } .${this.opt.class}_screen { width: ${this.opt.numWidth}px; height: ${this.opt.numHeight}px; position: relative; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; } .${this.opt.class}_screen .${this.opt.class}_items { position: absolute; top: 0; width: ${this.opt.itemsWidth}; -webkit-overflow-scrolling : touch; } .${this.opt.class}_screen .${this.opt.class}_items li { float: left; width: ${this.opt.numWidth}px; height: ${this.opt.numHeight}px; overflow: hidden; } .${this.opt.class}_screen .${this.opt.class}_items li img { width: ${this.opt.numWidth}px; height: ${this.opt.numHeight}px; } `; if (this.opt.pagenation) { const pagenationSize = referenceScreenSize / 50 > 16 ? 16 : referenceScreenSize / 50; const pagenationBorderRadius = pagenationSize; const pagenationMarginTop = referenceScreenSize / 50; styleStr += ` .${this.opt.class}_pagenation { margin: ${pagenationMarginTop}px 0 0; text-align: center; } .${this.opt.class}_pagenation ul { display: inline-block; } .${this.opt.class}_pagenation li { float: left; } .${this.opt.class}_pagenation li + li { margin-left: ${pagenationSize}px; } `; styleStr += ` .${this.opt.class}_pagenation li::before { content: ""; display: block; width: ${pagenationSize}px; height: ${pagenationSize}px; background: #f1f1f1; border-radius: ${pagenationBorderRadius}px; cursor: pointer; } .${this.opt.class}_pagenation .active::before { background: #ccc; cursor: auto; } `; } if (this.opt.arrow) { const arrowSize = referenceScreenSize / 16; const arrowThickness = referenceScreenSize / 100; // const arrowTop = this.opt.numHeight / 2 - arrowSize / 2; styleStr += ` .${this.opt.class}_arrow { width: ${this.opt.numWidth + arrowSize * 2.8}px; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: ${this.opt.numHeight / 2.4}px; left: -${(this.opt.numWidth + arrowSize * 2.8 - this.opt.numWidth) / 2}px; text-align: center; } .${this.opt.class}_arrow div { display: block; width: ${arrowSize * 1.2}px; height: ${arrowSize * 1.7}px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; } .${this.opt.class}_arrow div::before { content: ''; display: block; width: ${arrowSize}px; height: ${arrowSize}px; position: absolute; top: ${arrowSize / 3.5}px; border-top: #ccc ${arrowThickness}px solid; border-left: #ccc ${arrowThickness}px solid; } .${this.opt.class}_arrow .prev { float: left; } .${this.opt.class}_arrow .prev::before { transform: rotate(-45deg); left: ${arrowSize / 3}px; } .${this.opt.class}_arrow .next { float: right; } .${this.opt.class}_arrow .next::before { transform: rotate(135deg); right: ${arrowSize / 3}px; } `; } this.appendStyles(styleStr, this.opt.class + '_style'); } // carousel dom の自動編集 setConveyorHtml() { const ulCopy = this.d.querySelector('.' + this.opt.class + ' ul'); const conveyorWrapper = this.d.createElement('div'); conveyorWrapper.appendChild(ulCopy); this.opt.carousel.innerHTML = ''; this.opt.carousel.appendChild(conveyorWrapper); this.opt.screen = this.opt.carousel.querySelector('div'); this.opt.screen.classList.add(this.opt.class + '_screen'); this.opt.carousel.querySelector('ul').classList.add(this.opt.class + '_items'); this.opt.conveyor = this.d.querySelector( '.' + this.opt.class + '_screen .' + this.opt.class + '_items', ); this.opt.items = this.d.querySelectorAll( '.' + this.opt.class + '_screen .' + this.opt.class + '_items li', ); this.opt.itemsLength = this.opt.items.length; this.opt.itemsWidth = this.opt.numWidth * this.opt.itemsLength + 'px'; // loop時は最初と最後にliを追加 if (this.opt.loop) { const copyfirstItem = this.opt.items[0].cloneNode(true); const copyLastItem = this.opt.items[this.opt.itemsLength - 1].cloneNode(true); this.opt.conveyor.appendChild(copyfirstItem); this.opt.conveyor.insertBefore(copyLastItem, this.opt.conveyor.firstChild); this.opt.itemsLength += 2; this.opt.itemsWidth = this.opt.numWidth * this.opt.itemsLength + 'px'; = '-' + this.opt.numWidth + 'px'; } } // dragなどのListener設定 setConveyorListeners() { let flagStart; let flagMove; let startCursorX; let startConveyorX; let cursorMoveX; const getDirection = (ev) => { const pageX = ev.pageX || ev.changedTouches[0].pageX; cursorMoveX = startCursorX - pageX; if (Math.abs(cursorMoveX) < 50) { return true; } }; // dragへの追従 const dragSorption = (ev) => { if (this.opt.animation === 'fade') { return; } if (getDirection(ev)) { return; } const pageX = ev.pageX || ev.changedTouches[0].pageX; cursorMoveX = startCursorX - pageX; = startConveyorX - cursorMoveX + 'px'; }; // touchstart時 const startDrag01 = (ev) => { flagStart = true; startCursorX = ev.pageX || ev.changedTouches[0].pageX; startConveyorX = Number('px', '')); }; // touchmove時 const startDrag02 = (ev) => { if (flagStart) { dragSorption(ev); flagMove = true; } }; // touchend時にanimation発動 const runAnimation = (ev) => { flagStart = false; const currentNumber = Number('px', ''), ); const pageX = ev.pageX || ev.changedTouches[0].pageX; if ( (flagMove && this.opt.animation === 'fade') || currentNumber % this.opt.numWidth !== 0 ) { this.setTargetBrakePoint( currentNumber, startCursorX - pageX < 0 ? 'prev' : 'next', ); this.animation('-' + this.opt.targetPoint); flagMove = false; } }; const handleTypes = ? ['mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseup'] : ['touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend']; this.opt.conveyor.addEventListener(handleTypes[0], startDrag01, false); this.opt.conveyor.addEventListener(handleTypes[1], startDrag02, false); this.opt.conveyor.addEventListener(handleTypes[2], runAnimation, false); this.opt.conveyor.addEventListener(handleTypes[0], { passive: false, }); this.opt.conveyor.removeEventListener(handleTypes[2], { passive: false, }); // 指やカーソルがareaをはみ出た時にanimation発動 this.opt.carousel.addEventListener('mouseout', runAnimation, false); } // pagenation dom 生成 setPagenationHtml() { if (!this.opt.pagenation) { return; } // let basicStrings; let htmlStrings = this.templateLiteralToHtmlStrings` <div class="${this.opt.class}_pagenation"> <ul> `; this.opt.pointsLength = this.opt.loop ? this.opt.itemsLength - 2 : this.opt.itemsLength; for (let i = 0; i < this.opt.pointsLength; i++) { htmlStrings += this.templateLiteralToHtmlStrings` <li></li> `; } htmlStrings += this.templateLiteralToHtmlStrings` </ul> </div> `; const htmlElements = this.htmlStringsToHtmlElements(htmlStrings); this.opt.carousel.appendChild(htmlElements); this.opt.pagenationItem = this.d.querySelectorAll( '.' + this.opt.class + '_pagenation li', ); this.opt.pagenationItem[0].classList.add('active'); } // pagenation押した時のListener設定 setPagenationListeners() { if (!this.opt.pagenation) { return; } const eventType = this.getClickEventType(); Object.values(this.opt.pagenationItem).forEach((item, index) => { const pos = this.opt.loop ? '-' + this.opt.numWidth * (index + 1) : '-' + this.opt.numWidth * index; const triggerAnimation = () => { this.animation(pos); }; item.removeEventListener(eventType, triggerAnimation, false); item.addEventListener(eventType, triggerAnimation, false); }); } // pagenationの表示変更 changePagenation(targetPagenationIndex) { if (!this.opt.pagenation) { return; } Object.values(this.opt.pagenationItem).forEach((part) => { part.classList.remove('active'); }); if (this.opt.pagenationItem[targetPagenationIndex - 1]) { this.opt.pagenationItem[targetPagenationIndex - 1].classList.add('active'); } } // arrowの設定 setArrowHtml() { if (!this.opt.arrow) { return; } let htmlStrings = this.templateLiteralToHtmlStrings` <div class="${this.opt.class}_arrow"> <div class="prev"></div> <div class="next"></div> </div> `; const htmlElements = this.htmlStringsToHtmlElements(htmlStrings); this.opt.carousel.appendChild(htmlElements); this.opt.arrow = this.d.querySelector('.' + this.opt.class + '_arrow'); this.opt.arrow.prev = this.d.querySelector('.' + this.opt.class + '_arrow .prev'); = this.d.querySelector('.' + this.opt.class + '_arrow .next'); if (!this.opt.loop && this.getCurrentLeftNum() === 0) { = '.2'; = 'auto'; } } // arrow押した時のListener設定 setArrowListeners() { if (!this.opt.arrow) { return; } const carouselReady = (diff) => { const currentNum = this.getCurrentLeftNum(); if (currentNum % diff) { return; } if (currentNum === 0 && diff > 0) { return; } if ( currentNum === -(this.opt.numWidth * (this.opt.itemsLength - 1)) && diff < 0 ) { return; } this.animation(currentNum + diff); }; const eventType = this.getClickEventType(); this.opt.arrow.prev.addEventListener(eventType, () => { carouselReady(this.opt.numWidth); });, () => { carouselReady(-this.opt.numWidth); }); } // arrowのstyle切り替え changeArrow(targetItem) { if (!this.opt.arrow || this.opt.loop) { return; } if (targetItem === 0) { = '.2'; = 'auto'; = '1'; } else if (targetItem === this.opt.itemsLength - 1) { = '.2'; = 'auto'; = '1'; } else { = '1'; = 'pointer'; = '1'; = 'pointer'; } } // arrowとpagenationの状態変更 changeArrowAndPagenation(targetLeft) { if (!(this.opt.arrow || this.opt.pagenation)) { return; } this.opt.absTargetLeft = Math.abs(targetLeft); this.opt.targetIndex = this.opt.absTargetLeft / this.opt.numWidth; if (this.opt.loop) { if (this.opt.targetIndex === this.opt.itemsLength - 1) { this.changePagenation(1); } else if (this.opt.targetIndex === 0) { this.changePagenation(this.opt.itemsLength - 2); } else { this.changePagenation(this.opt.targetIndex); } } else { this.changeArrow(this.opt.absTargetLeft / this.opt.numWidth); this.changePagenation(this.opt.targetIndex + 1); } } // loopの場合のtarget調整 adjustTarget(targetLeft) { if (!(this.opt.loop)) { return; } this.opt.absTargetLeft = Math.abs(targetLeft); this.opt.targetIndex = this.opt.absTargetLeft / this.opt.numWidth; window.setTimeout(() => { if (this.opt.targetIndex === this.opt.itemsLength - 1) { = "-" + this.opt.numWidth + "px"; } else if (this.opt.targetIndex === 0) { = "-" + (this.opt.itemsLength - 2) * this.opt.numWidth + "px"; } }, this.opt.duration * 1000); } // 各アニメーションに振り分ける animation(targetLeft) { switch (this.opt.animation) { case 'slide': this.slide(targetLeft); break; case 'fade': this.fade(targetLeft); break; default: break; } } // slideのanimation slide(targetLeft) { // ズレを直す if ( /* eslint no-compare-neg-zero: 0 */ targetLeft % this.opt.numWidth !== -0 || Math.abs(targetLeft) > this.opt.numWidth * this.opt.itemsLength ) { targetLeft = 0; } // 現在の位置取得 const currentLeft = this.getCurrentLeftNum(); // keyframe準備 const styleStr = ` @keyframes ${this.opt.class}_slideCarousel { from { left: ${currentLeft}px; } to { left: ${targetLeft}px; } } .${this.opt.class}_items { animation-name: ${this.opt.class}_slideCarousel; animation-duration: ${this.opt.duration}s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } `; // animation = targetLeft + 'px'; this.appendStyles(styleStr, this.opt.class + '_movingKeyframes'); window.setTimeout(() => { const el = this.d.querySelector('.' + this.opt.class + '_movingKeyframes'); if (el) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }, this.opt.duration * 1000); this.changeArrowAndPagenation(targetLeft); this.adjustTarget(targetLeft); } // fade in/out のanimation fade(targetLeft) { // carouselをコピーしてずらして配置しそれぞれを fade in/out させる const copyDom = this.opt.conveyor.cloneNode(true); this.opt.conveyor.parentNode.insertBefore(copyDom, this.opt.conveyor); = targetLeft + 'px'; copyDom.classList.add(this.opt.class + '_copyDom'); const styleStr = ` @keyframes ${this.opt.class}_fadeoutCarousel { from { opacity: 1; } to { opacity: 0; } } .${this.opt.class}_items { animation-name: ${this.opt.class}_fadeoutCarousel; animation-duration: ${this.opt.duration}s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } @keyframes ${this.opt.class}_fadeinCarousel { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } .${this.opt.class}_copyDom { animation-name: ${this.opt.class}_fadeinCarousel; animation-duration: ${this.opt.duration}s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } `; this.appendStyles(styleStr, this.opt.class + '_movingKeyframes'); window.setTimeout(() => { const el = this.d.querySelector('.' + this.opt.class + '_movingKeyframes'); if (el) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }, this.opt.duration * 1000); window.setTimeout(() => { = targetLeft + 'px'; copyDom.parentNode.removeChild(copyDom); }, this.opt.duration * 1000); this.changeArrowAndPagenation(targetLeft); this.adjustTarget(targetLeft); } // 現在のスライダの位置を取得 getCurrentLeftNum() { return ( this.opt.conveyor.getBoundingClientRect().left - this.opt.carousel.getBoundingClientRect().left ); } // 次の目的位置設定 setTargetBrakePoint(currentNumber, direction) { let targetIndex = Math.floor(currentNumber / this.opt.numWidth); let targetPoint = targetIndex * this.opt.numWidth; if (direction === 'next' && targetIndex !== this.opt.itemsLength - 1) { // 今最後で次のに行く時 targetIndex = targetIndex + 1; targetPoint = targetPoint + this.opt.numWidth; } else if (currentNumber < 0) { // 今最初で前のに行く時 targetIndex = 0; targetPoint = 0; } else if (direction === 'prev' && this.opt.animation === 'fade') { // fadeで前に行く時 /* eslint no-compare-neg-zero: 0 */ if (targetIndex === -0) { targetIndex = 0; targetPoint = 0; } else { targetIndex--; targetPoint -= this.opt.numWidth; } } this.opt.targetIndex = targetIndex; this.opt.targetPoint = targetPoint; } // deviceに適したclick event typeの設定 getClickEventType() { return ? 'click' : 'touchstart'; } // autoの設定 setAutoOperation() { if (! || ! { return; } // 現実的でない数値だった時の調整 if ( <= this.opt.duration * 1.5 || ! { = this.opt.duration * 10; } let id; // auto開始 const startInterval = () => { id = setInterval(() => { const currentLeft = this.getCurrentLeftNum(); this.animation(currentLeft - this.opt.numWidth); const lastItem = Math.abs(currentLeft / this.opt.numWidth) >= this.opt.itemsLength - 2; if (!this.opt.loop && lastItem) { clearInterval(id); } }, * 1000); }; // 一時停止 const stopInterval = () => { clearInterval(id); }; // 最後の一枚の時意図せず発動してしまうanimationを防ぐための準備段階 const readyStartInterval = () => { const lastItem = Math.abs(this.getCurrentLeftNum() / this.opt.numWidth) >= this.opt.itemsLength - 1; if (!(!this.opt.loop && lastItem)) { startInterval(); } }; // カーソルや指がareaの上にある時の一時停止や離した時のリスタートListener設定 if ( { this.opt.conveyor.addEventListener('mouseover', stopInterval, false); this.opt.conveyor.addEventListener('mouseout', readyStartInterval, false); this.opt.conveyor.addEventListener('touchstart', stopInterval, false); this.opt.conveyor.addEventListener('touchend', readyStartInterval, false); } // カーソルがpagenationやarrowの上にある時の一時停止や離した時のリスタートListener設定 // 指の場合はすぐ反応して欲しいため未設定 const resetIntervalWhenClick = (target) => { Object.values(target).forEach((item) => { item.addEventListener('mousedown', stopInterval, false); item.addEventListener('mouseup', readyStartInterval, false); }); }; if (this.opt.arrow) { resetIntervalWhenClick(this.opt.arrow); } startInterval(); } // resize時のstyle再設定 // px以外の設定にしていたりする時に必要 setResizeOperation() { if (/px/.test(this.opt.orgWidth)) { return; } window.addEventListener('resize', () => { const cleanStyles = () => { const currentStyles = this.d.querySelector('.' + this.opt.class + '_style'); currentStyles.parentNode.removeChild(currentStyles); }; Promise.resolve(1) .then(() => { cleanStyles(); this.setReadyStyles(); }) .then(() => { this.setElementComputedSizes(); }) .then(() => { cleanStyles(); this.setBaseStyles(); }) .then(() => { let currentNumber = Math.round( Number(\d+/)) / this.opt.numWidth, ); = '-' + currentNumber * this.opt.numWidth + 'px'; = this.opt.itemsLength * this.opt.numWidth + 'px'; this.setPagenationListeners(); }); }); } // styleタグのappend関数 appendStyles(styleStr, cls) { const styleDom = this.d.createElement('style'); styleDom.classList.add(cls); styleDom.innerText = styleStr; const brs = styleDom.querySelectorAll('br'); Object.values(brs).forEach((value) => { value.parentNode.removeChild(value); }); this.opt.carousel.appendChild(styleDom); = this.opt.carousel.querySelector('.' + this.opt.class + '_style'); } // utility templateLiteralToHtmlStrings(strings, ...values) { return strings.reduce((accumlate, str, i) => { return accumlate + this.escapeHtml(values[i - 1]) + str; }); } htmlStringsToHtmlElements(htmlStrings) { const template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = htmlStrings; return template.content.firstElementChild; } escapeHtml(str) { if (!str) { return ''; } return str.replace(/["'`<>&]/g, function (m) { return { '"': '"', "'": ''', '`': '`', '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&', }[m]; }); } userAgent() { const raw = window.navigator.userAgent; const ua = {}; let deviceType; let osType; // sp if (/iPhone/.test(raw) || /iPod/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'sp'; osType = 'ios'; } else if (/Android/.test(raw) && /Mobile/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'sp'; osType = 'android'; } else if (/Windows/.test(raw) && /Phone/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'sp'; } else if (/Firefox/.test(raw) && /Mobile/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'sp'; } else if (/BlackBerry/.test(raw) || /BB10/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'sp'; } else if (/Nokia/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'sp'; // tablet } else if (/iPad/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'tablet'; osType = 'ios'; } else if (/Macintosh/.test(raw) && 'ontouchend' in document) { deviceType = 'tablet'; osType = 'ipados'; } else if (/Android/.test(raw) && !/Mobile/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'tablet'; osType = 'android'; } else if ( /Windows/.test(raw) && /Touch/.test(raw) && !/Tablet PC/.test(raw) ) { deviceType = 'tablet'; } else if (/Firefox/.test(raw) && /Tablet/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'tablet'; } else if (/Playbook/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'tablet'; } else if (/Kindle/.test(raw) || /Silk/.test(raw)) { deviceType = 'tablet'; // pc } else { deviceType = 'pc'; if (/Mac/.test(raw)) { osType = 'mac'; } else if (/Windows/.test(raw)) { osType = 'win'; } else { osType = 'unknown'; } } ua.raw = raw; ua.deviceType = deviceType; ua.osType = osType; ua.isMs = deviceType === 'pc' && /Windows NT/.test(raw) && (!/Chrome/.test(raw) || /Firefox/.test(raw)); // ie or edge ua.isMac = osType === 'mac'; ua.isWin = osType === 'win'; ua.isIos = osType === 'ios'; ua.isIpados = osType === 'ipados'; ua.isAndroid = osType === 'android'; ua.isPc = deviceType === 'pc'; ua.isSp = deviceType === 'sp'; ua.isTablet = deviceType === 'tablet'; return ua; } } // instance生成とinit発火 new carousel({ class: 'carousel1', width: '100%', height: '440px', animation: 'slide', duration: .4, pagenation: true, arrow: false, loop: true, auto: { run: false, time: 0, }, }); new carousel({ class: 'carousel2', width: '220px', height: '220px', animation: 'fade', duration: .2, pagenation: true, arrow: true, loop: true, auto: { run: true, time: 2.0, }, }); new carousel({ class: 'carousel3', width: '480px', height: '220px', animation: 'slide', duration: .2, pagenation: false, arrow: true, loop: false, auto: { run: false, time: 0, }, }); new carousel({ class: 'carousel4', width: '400px', height: '800px', animation: 'slide', duration: .2, pagenation: true, arrow: true, loop: true, auto: { run: false, time: 0, }, }); </script> </body> </html> code_popup